Yema Addicts Anonymous (YAA): Session One
Know the rules.
Ignorance is not an excuse.
"Bawal ang tumawid, nakamamatay."- MMDA
Lesson 1: YAA Commandments
1. I am the Yema Addict, and I know there had been other Yema Addicts before me.
2. The title "Yema Addict" shall not be taken in vain (i.e., patayin at i-abolish ang titulo na ito).
3. Remember to thwart the Holy Binge and Purge days.
4. Honor Mars, Cadbury, and Hershey's after every meal only (no eating in between).
5. You shall not kill yourself by bingeing on chocolates and other sweets.
6. You shall not covet your friend's chocolate.
7. You shall not STEAL your friend's chocolate (if s/he refuses to share it with you).
8. You shall not deny that you have eaten 1 whole Cadbury bar in 30 seconds flat.
9. You shall not covet other forms of sweets.
10. You shall not covet to destroy these YAA commandments (or else...).

The forbidden fruit.
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